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Note: If the domain is registered with 20i, this will also move the domain registration to the new account. We will send an email to the new customer requesting authorisation for the transfer. Once authorised the package will be immediately transferred and we will notify you via email.

Our top 7 types of market research

Data research Data research is a fantastic way to understand your market, trends and even your competitors. Get accurate information about your customers, market and competitors. Analysing datasets can give...
Note: If the domain is registered with 20i, this will also move the domain registration to the new account. We will send an email to the new customer requesting authorisation for the transfer. Once authorised the package will be immediately transferred and we will notify you via email.

What Is Market Research?

Market research is so crucial to a successful marketing strategy and business. After all, if you don’t know who your market is, what they want and what their motivations for...