Unleash the power of data

Elevate your market understanding, precisely target customers and drive revenue in the retail, hospitality & health sectors with comprehensive market research.

We are a specialist market research agency with 40+ years' experience

Find your customers

Territory Mapping

Are you looking to open a new business or expand an existing one into a new location?  Our market research for retail, hospitality & healthcare can pinpoint the optimal location for tapping into a flourishing market.

Demographic & Locational

Geodemographic Insights

Demographic and locational research will allow your organisation to elevate your strategy and market smarter and more precisely, not harder and extravagantly.
Future-proof your business

Future-Proof Your Business

Are you curious about what your market will look like in ten years time? Tap into our expertise and explore how our  specialist retail, hospitality and healthcare marketing data can safeguard your business for the future.


Sectors we Service

Find your customers


In the fast-paced world of retail, success hinges on understanding customers, anticipating market trends, and making informed decisions.
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Demographic & Locational

Hospitality and Leisure

In the dynamic realm of hospitality and leisure, success thrives on deep insights into guest preferences, staying ahead of market trends, and making strategic decisions.
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Future-proof your business


In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, success hinges on deep insights into patient needs, staying ahead of industry trends, and making strategic decisions based on evidence.
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From Mapping Territories to ACORN Data Interpretation and Competitor Analysis

Data Driven Insights

Not just data

We offer interactive dashboard reporting, market and catchment analysis, geo-mapping, focus groups, mystery shopping, telephone interviewing, face to face interviewing, online surveys, ethnographic research, competitor analysis, market research for healthcare, data for life sciences marketing - the list goes on…

If you struggle to make heads or tails on what data is going to move your business forwards , or know you’d benefit from understanding your market better, our specialists can help you navigate through the best choices for your business

Meet the team
Data Driven Insights

Get the insights you need

Successful businesses engage with market research. It helps them identify and leverage trends, maximise opportunities in their market, and find more of their ideal customers.

Regular data analysis can help you assess your KPI’s and track your team’s progress, keep on top of your sales funnel, and ensure your business is not only right on target but one step ahead.

At DDI we specialise in providing tailored market research, based entirely around your needs. On top of this we can develop your own interactive dashboard based around the life sciences marketing data that you, and your team, need to track.

DDI will turn the insights into key actionable data!

View solutions
Data Driven Insights were able to provide us with key information on our market today and in the future. Their research went beyond traditional data analysis as they were able to locate exact areas to target, and what marketing they would respond to. 

Kat Carrick - Managing Partner
Concierge Medical Practice

Meet the team

Our Team is small but perfectly formed. Between us we have a wealth of experience across many industries, specialist knowledge in data services, branding, life sciences marketing and strategic planning for businesses like yours.

James Leggett

Managing Director

Kate Siddall

Qualitative Lead

Daniel Cohen

Head of Business Development

Emily Hargest

Marketing Manager

To Speak to an Expert About Our Services