Our Market Research Services

A complete service with no hidden costs

Data-Driven Insights has access to UK-wide demographic data, with over 800 variables, and the skills to analyse it. We make recommendations that will show you how your business can capitalise on its potential and plan for future success.

All of our products and services are totally customisable. Our friendly and experienced team is able to specify a tailored project built around your business and its needs.

Our market research projects are priced from as little as £600.

To find out more about Data-Driven Insights, please email us or call our friendly team on 01206 483284.

Find your customers

Territory Mapping

Are you looking to open a new retail, hospitality or healthare business or expand an existing one into a new location? Our expertise can pinpoint the optimal location for tapping into a flourishing market.

Demographic & Locational

Geodemographic Insights

Demographic and locational research will allow your organisation to elevate your strategy and market smarter and more precisely, not harder and extravagantly.
Future-proof your business

Future-proof your business

Are you curious about what your market will look like in ten years' time? Tap into our expertise and explore how our data can safeguard your business for the future.